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  2. Billing & Cancellations

How to cancel your subscription

Canceling your Pango Premium or PRO subscription to return your account to a free account.

You can cancel your Premium or PRO Pango subscription at any time and continue to have access to all of the content and features associated with your PRO or Premium account until the end of your Billing Cycle

To cancel, click on the circle with your initials in the top right corner of Pango and click "My Account".

From this page simply click 'Cancel Subscription'. 

If you cancel with time left in your billing period, you will retain access to PRO or Premium features (as applicable) until the account is changed to a free account at the end of the billing period - 1 day before your billing date.

All payments are non-refundable and we do not provide pro-rata refunds for cancellations made partway through your billing cycle.

After canceling your Pango Premium or PRO account, you will still have access to all the content and features included in Pango's free account.

Cancelling after a failed payment

If you have any outstanding or failed payments that were due to be collected before the date of cancellation, they may still be collected by our payments provider, since access to the service will not be stopped until the end of the current billing cycle.

For example, if your free trial ends on the 10th of January, we will try and collect payment on that day. If the payment fails for any reason, our payment provider will continue to try and take payment on subsequent days. If the subscription is cancelled after the 10th January, you will continue to have access to paid features until the end of the current billing period, and the payment provider may still take payment for access to the service for this period.

If you have any questions about billing or cancellations, we're more than happy to help, so please email us at support@pango.education.